Primus Blog

The Art and Science of Interior Design in Dental Spaces

The Art and Science of Interior Design in Dental Spaces

  Designing a dental office is a multifaceted challenge that intertwines clinical functionality with the comfort and reassurance of patients. It's an opportunity to create a space that not only facilitates dental work but also communicates care, sophistication, and...

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How to Transition from Dental School to a Dental Practice

How to Transition from Dental School to a Dental Practice

  Transitioning from dental school to professional practice is a significant step that involves several key adjustments. Here’s a structured guide to help you navigate this transition smoothly: Licensing and Credentialing Before you can begin practicing, you must...

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Designing Your Dream Dental Office: Insights and Tips

Designing Your Dream Dental Office: Insights and Tips

The dental profession is more than just treating teeth. It's about creating an environment where patients feel comfortable, relaxed, and confident in the care they receive. For many dentists, the dream is to design an office that not only reflects their unique vision...

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